technologies llc

Babel Cards Initial Release (v0.1.0)

December 6, 2022

haskell, open source, application, tui, functional reactive programming, language learning, babel-cards

In my language learning efforts, I made an Anki alternative.

To keep it brief, I felt Anki was getting in my way, so I made my own, with blackjack. For a long time I used it without caring to release, but it has recently reached a point where it can be useful to someone else.

It’s made using brick, a TUI framework for Haskell, which facilitated working in an FRP style. For a storage back-end, it uses SQLite3, and the database filepath is configurable through an environment variable.


  • Reviewing in both standard and reverse mode.
  • Spaced repetition scheduler with 4 different difficulties the user can respond with to influence how soon the card will recur.
  • Comprehensive deck-building interface.
  • Card disabling and re-enabling.
  • Card editing.
  • Card tagging. Tags appear when reviewing as they can disambiguate identical words.
  • Card filtering by substring.
  • Mouseless interface.


Main view

Deck building


Reviewing in standard mode

Reviewing in reverse mode
